From Fort Lauderdale to Antibes...Tahiti to St. Maarten...
Wherever a yacht cruises, IYB's Advisory Services (IYBAS) is there.
IYBAS is credited with creating the world’s only global emergency response service dedicated solely for yachts. IYBAS assists yachts in smartly responding to safety, security, and environmental incidents around the world.
Through its US Coast Guard-approved and yacht-specific Nontank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) program, IYBAS provides a Qualified Individual 24/7 response service to all of its yachts.
Staffed by unlimited tonnage Master Mariners, unlimited horsepower Chief Engineers, and degreed Naval Architects, yachts enrolled in our program are provided with access to unparalleled assistance when it counts the most. The NTVRP is a requirement for all yachts, private and commercial, of 400 gross tons and greater operating in US waters.
US Coast Guard Approved Plans